Joie de vivre

Are you happy? Do you possess feelings of great pleasure? This is joy.

Apparently, the amount of joy one feels improves with age. A study conducted by Comfort Keepers, a senior care specialist company in California, found that people above the age of 60 years possessed the most amounts of joy. Many of the individuals surveyed cited the following as their sources of joy and happiness, in order of priority:

  • Family
  • Love
  • Music
  • Wife
  • Food
  • Friends
  • Children
  • Dog
  • Grandchildren

Robin Seaton Jefferson summarized these findings in her contribution to Forbes magazine three weeks ago in her article titled Good News, America. Survey Says We Get More Joyful As We Age. I urge you to read it and to read the joyful activity results per state, by Comfort Keepers.

It just may help you refocus your energies onto more important things in life.

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