So often we meet clients who tell us that they cannot afford to save because ‘school fees are really expensive’ and ‘looking after family members is derailing their savings goal’….and the list of reasons is endless. If we are really honest, life has changed dramatically in the past year and a bit. Things are not as black and white as they have been, and we cannot continue living as if death and financial insecurity is not […]
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Financial advice in a crisis
The past year was dreadful, to say the least. What has made it even more difficult is that it was collective as the whole world suffered immensely in many ways in the past year. Amy Underwood, a Behavioural Economist, spoke at a recent webinar about trauma and how we, as humans deal with it. She mentioned that, generally, we tend to go through it at different times, allowing us to call on our network of friends […]
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I have two young children and often, as I presume many parents do, I find myself imagining them in their 20s, 30s and even 50s — how they’ll look, the kind of people they’ll be, what they’ll be up to, and so on. One of the many things that keeps me awake at night is the lessons I need to impart to them that will have a positive impact on their lives. What can I teach […]
Continue readingMore TagWomen, do something for yourself for a change
Women are known to think more of and do more for others than themselves, in the process sacrificing their careers, money and general wellbeing. In this women’s month, think about this: There is a very high likelihood that you, as a woman, will have to parent alone, will not save enough money to cater for your needs and will ultimately die poor and alone. Study upon study shows the odds are stacked against women. According to […]
Continue readingMore TagIs it possible to save in difficult times?
July has been designated Savings Month by the South African Savings Institute. Going by current data, South African households don’t really save much. SA’s household savings ratio refers to the income saved by households during a certain period and is calculated and published by the South African Reserve Bank. At the end of 2019, our savings ratio was -0.20%. That means, as a country, we spent more money than we earned and didn’t save at all. […]
Continue readingMore TagBe cautious about where you seek financial advice
The lockdown has been a very interesting time for many financial advisers. Now that people have more time on their hands and are mostly in front of their computers, there seems to be a greater need to get their financial affairs in order. This is a very good thing. Over the years, I have noticed how many interesting and sometimes dangerous conversations about money take place on many different platforms. A recent observation is that on […]
Continue readingMore TagIt’s time to have those difficult conversations
We’re all reading more than usual. And, based on everyone’s social media posts, baking more than ever. I made bread and vetkoek for the first time and they turned out really well. But while we’re all becoming more domesticated, we’re also having to confront some of our worst nightmares, brought by Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown. Many businesses have had to shut and many more will do so. With closures come the casualties – you and […]
Continue readingMore TagLove languages and money
Gary Chapman wrote an international bestseller in 1992 titled The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. He writes about the five ways to express and experience love between romantic partners which he calls “love languages.” They are gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and physical touch. Over the years, there have been a few variations of this book and the most interesting one I’ve found is the personal finance […]
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The beginning of a new year is a time for reflection, planning and new beginnings for many. Many personal finance writers have been giving extensive and very valuable tips regarding budgeting, saving and investing to kick-start the year. These are important lessons to learn and not having money is devastating on many levels. It is, however, equally important to note that money cannot give you all the happiness you require. Jonathan Clements, an acclaimed personal finance […]
Continue readingMore TagSurviving the holidays: Part 4
Rest…you’ve earned it!
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