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How to keep your business on a sustainable financial path

As an entrepreneur, I know how difficult it can be to manage your finances effectively. Often the lines between personal and business funds are blurred, particularly in the beginning when you’re trying to establish your business as an independent and self-sustaining entity. The Seed Academy, an entrepreneur support programme, found in its latest “State of Entrepreneurship” survey that 60% of the surveyed entrepreneurs were full-time entrepreneurs and that the majority (88%) were self-funded. Self-funded entrepreneurs, who […]

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Love languages and money

Gary Chapman wrote an international bestseller in 1992 titled The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. He writes about the five ways to express and experience love between romantic partners which he calls “love languages.” They are gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and physical touch. Over the years, there have been a few variations of this book and the most interesting one I’ve found is the personal finance […]

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Investing in happiness

The beginning of a new year is a time for reflection, planning and new beginnings for many. Many personal finance writers have been giving extensive and very valuable tips regarding budgeting, saving and investing to kick-start the year. These are important lessons to learn and not having money is devastating on many levels. It is, however, equally important to note that money cannot give you all the happiness you require. Jonathan Clements, an acclaimed personal finance […]

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Surviving the holidays: Part 3

Plan. Plan. Plan! We’ve had a few posts about this, and it may seem repetitive, but the truth is that planning is what we’re not doing much of when it comes to our finances. That’s how we end up overspending and having more month at the end of our money. This is particularly amplified over the holiday season. If you want to have a less stressful holiday, get your budget ready now. Plan for every cent […]

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Surviving the holidays: Part 2

The holiday season is meant to be a time of joy and celebration and it is also fraught with deals and specials that you simply cannot do without. It is also, unfortunately, when scammers are also hard at work to have you part with your hard-earned money.  You must always be vigilant, but particularly during the holiday season, and be able to recognize when a deal is actually a scam. Cyber security This extract from Symantec, […]

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Surviving the holidays: Part 1

The year is almost done and feels like it flew by. There are four full weeks left before December and the festive season begins two weeks after that. Many companies in South Africa pay December salaries on the 15th to allow people to make travel arrangements and to do some last-minute holiday shopping. The issue with this is that most people are usually out of funds by the first week or two of January making that […]

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Modern day living is not only very complex but expensive too. Given the current state of the economy, it is important to pause and regroup every now and then in order to manage. I mentioned in a previous post that the tiny house movement has gained momentum in the past few years and one of the reasons for this momentum is the realization that we don’t need a lot in order to live well. In fact, […]

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The art of simple living

One of my favourite things to do is spending time at the bookstore not far from where I live. The eastern philosophy section is my favourite part of the store and I can easily spend hours browsing through the books on display. The most recent and truly fascinating find is ‘ZEN – The art of simple living’ by Shunmyo Masuno, a monk and head priest of a 450-year-old Zen Buddhist temple in Japan. In this book, […]

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